2024 Townsend & Polatajko Lectureship (stay tuned)
2024 CSOS AGM (stay tuned)
Past Events
Date: November 17, 2023
Presenter: Dr. Rebecca Aldrich delivering the 2023 Townsend & Polatajko Lectureship
Topic: Uncertainty and Occupation
Date: November 17, 2023
Presenter: Various
Topic: 2023 CSOS Occupational Science Symposium: Innovations in research inquiry and methodologies in Occupational Science (OS): A CSOS Symposium for Researchers, Graduate Students and Educators
Date: March 27, 2023
Student Lead Mini-Series!
Date: November 21, 430 to 530 PM | EST
Presenter/Board member: Atul Jaiswal, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow in Vision Science | U of Montreal
Topic: Occupational justice and individuals with sensory disabilities: a critical dialogue.
Date: October 17th, 4:30 to 5:30 PM | EST
Presenter: Keven Lee, PhD in Rehabilitation Science | McGill University
Topic: Caring – with: A critical phenomenological approach to care practices in the context of dementia.
Date: September 19th, 430-530 PM | EST
Presenter: Émilie St-Arnaud-Trempe, erg., M.Sc., Ph.D. Student | U of Ottawa
Topic: Co-occupations within family everyday life: a deeply social perspective of occupation.
CSOS Sponsorship of inaugural World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver British Columbia

CSOS Stream: CAOT Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario

CSOS Symposium on Occupational Science and Education, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec
The overall objective of this symposium was to discuss the current place of, and future visions for, occupational science and education in Canada specifically related to undergraduate education, graduate-postgraduate research education, and professional master-entry education. Of interest to those involved or interested in education and occupational science, the aim of the symposium was to advance the increasing body of knowledge in occupational science within our classrooms across all levels of post-secondary students.